Back pain in the lumbar region: possible causes, treatment

Pain in the lower back is a common symptoms in the modern world. Almost everyone encountered it. It is noticed that most back pain in the lumbar region have urban population. And suffer from unpleasant symptoms to a greater extent women. There is a perception that the discomfort in the lower back occurs in people aged. Scientists from Denmark have completely refuted it. According to their research, the unpleasant, the syndrome occurs in childhood or adolescence. Over time it just increases. It is therefore very important to timely respond to early warning signs and start treating the disease.

back pain in the lumbar region

Possible causes of discomfort

You should know that not only women have back pain in the lumbar region. Unpleasant symptoms affected many people. Since the onset of pain is influenced by the conditions in which people live, occupation and, of course, the attitude to life.

Doctors, faced with numerous complaints patients bring a list of simple reasons that result in back pain in the lumbar region:

  • obesity;
  • weak muscles;
  • high growth;
  • lack of exercise;
  • heavy physical work;
  • pregnancy;
  • specific profession (e.g., driver);
  • some sports (swimming, weightlifting, hockey);
  • personality disorders (hysteria, hypochondria), depression;
  • a job that makes frequent turns and inclinations of a trunk.

The sources causing the unpleasant pain in the lumbar region, are very diverse. Many of them don't pose a risk. However, there are those that require urgent and adequate treatment.

Diseases which provoke the occurrence of back pain

The causes that give rise to unpleasant symptoms, tens. However, you should realize that if much back pain in the lumbar region, the source of discomfort, most likely, lies in the disease. Of course, it is subject to rapid treatment. Don't forget that the first step to eliminate discomfort - a clarification of the reason why back pain in the lumbar region.

Doctors unpleasant syndrome are divided into:

  1. Primary. It is treated musculoskeletal disorders. It is a pathology associated with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine.
  2. Secondary. In this case, painful discomfort triggered by different pathologies.

The primary syndrome includes the following diseases:

  1. Low back pain. There is a loss of bone tissue and cartilage. Such changes are of a degenerative nature. Disrupted intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebrae.
  2. Spondiloarthrosis. It is a form of osteoarthritis. There is a loss of intervertebral joints, which are responsible for the mobility of the spine. Such people usually complain that most often in the morning back pain in the lumbar region.

Secondary to syndrome doctors attribute a wide variety of causes of discomfort:

  1. Scoliosis and other pathologies relating to growth.
  2. Bone lesions provoked by metabolic disorder. This includes osteomalacia, osteoporosis.
  3. Inflammatory processes which have non-infectious nature. Unpleasant syndrome can be caused by Reiter's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Tumors localized in the vertebrae (caused by primary or metastatic).
  5. Fracture of the vertebrae. Very good reason that leads to acute discomfort.
  6. Infectious diseases of various kinds, which can lead to damage of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs: tuberculosis, brucellosis, epidural abscess.
  7. The condition of stroke. It occurs due to acute impairment of spinal circulation. The phenomenon often causes a feeling of pain in the lower back.
  8. Diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract. For example, if back pain in the lumbar region on the right, then we can talk about acute appendicitis atypical course. Unpleasant symptoms causes bowel obstruction.
  9. Diseases of organs located in the pelvis (kidney and urogenital system).
pathology in men

Pathology in men

Men really bad back in the lumbar region due to the following reasons:

  1. Prostatitis. Pathology characterized by an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
  2. Of a malignant tumor. Can occur in men after 50 years.
  3. Hyperplasia of the genital organs. In this case, the growth of the cells and there is pain that spreads into the lumbar region, back, abdomen.

Women's causes

A beautiful floor can experience discomfort of reasons:

  1. Gynecological pathology. Pain can cause fibroid, gonorrhea, adhesive disease. A source of discomfort can be ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, uterine fibroids, trichomoniasis.
  2. Menstrual cycle. The pain is due to accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. As a result, the woman feels pulling pain in the lower back and is faced with the appearance of edema.
  3. Pregnancy. In the body there are characteristic changes. So many expectant mothers experience an unpleasant discomfort.

Lower back pain caused by pregnancy

A pregnant woman often feels unpleasant discomfort. The doctors explain why back pain in the lumbar region, as follows:

  1. Hormonal changes. It is known that in woman's body increases the level of relaxin. It causes relaxation of ligaments and joints. The result of such exposure, they are not always able to cope with the increased load on them.
  2. The increase of the fetus. The result of this natural phenomenon for a pregnant woman, there is a shift of the center of gravity. Accordingly increases the load on the spine.
lower back pain during pregnancy

Discomfort after childbirth

However, not only pregnant women feel unpleasant condition. Some women complain that after giving birth back pain in the lumbar region. Such symptoms may persist due to the following reasons:

  1. A strong discrepancy in bone strength muscle. During pregnancy there is a movement of internal organs. Communications that contain them, are stretched. Most of the bodies attached to the vertebrae. Therefore, after childbirth there may be pain in the lower back.
  2. Is the stretching of the abdominal muscles. After birth they are still in a state of tension.
  3. Extra weight a woman gained during pregnancy.
  4. The divergence of the bones. This process occurs just before birth. This helps to protect baby from injuries. The recovery period is different. Therefore, very often women do not realize that postpartum back pain in the lumbar region.
  5. Injury. During childbirth could be some violations. For example, the displacement of the joints.
  6. The load on the spine. The first time after birth when the woman has not yet fully recovered, pain discomfort can trigger cross-dressing, feeding, carrying, bathing the newborn.

To put up with the pain should not be. You must consult a doctor and find out the origin of the discomfort. This will allow time to resolve unpleasant, the pain provoking factors and receive appropriate treatment.

Causes of pain left

A source of discomfort can be very different condition. Sometimes it's a result of staying a long time in an uncomfortable position. And, in some cases, the tumor process. Therefore, if back pain in the lumbar region on the left, the cause of pathology is not necessary to search independently. You must consult a doctor.

The most common reasons, according to which there is left-sided discomfort, diseases of the spine such as curvature, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.

However, often leads to other pathologies back pain in the lumbar region on the left. Causes of discomfort can be enclosed in the following:

  1. Myositis. After physical exertion or exposure to cold is the inflammation of the muscles. The discomfort is sufficiently intense and difficult deep breathing. While driving it increases.
  2. Kidney disease. In this case, the pain usually pulling, aching. It may be indicative of diseases such as hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and sometimes malignancy. If there is renal colic, the pain is sharp, strong character.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. Pathology of the stomach, liver, intestines, and pancreas can cause left hand pain. Especially in the course of the disease in the chronic form. If very acute back pain in the lumbar region on the left, and feel the tension of the muscle tissues of the stomach, such symptoms can signal dangerous conditions: intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.
  4. Pathology of the heart. Sometimes angina or myocardial infarction can provoke discomfort in the lower back. Usually the pain is felt under the left shoulder blade in his hand. Accompany this pathology panic and fear of death.

In addition to the above reasons, discomfort in the left lower back area can be caused by pleurisy, pneumonia.

What to do?

Pain syndrome is primarily a signal about danger. So the body makes it clear that there is a problem in the functioning of certain organs or systems. So ignoring it should not be. In addition, it is very dangerous to self-medicate. Because of the reasons that cause unpleasant discomfort, a great many.

If back pain in the lumbar region what to do? First contact physician. If the discomfort is sharp, sharp in nature, to cause "fast". In cases where the source of suffering was the fall or a bruise, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If necessary, the therapist will direct on consultation to specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • orthopedic surgeon;
  • proctologist, gynecologist;
  • the pulmonologist, cardiologist;
  • nephrologist, urologist.


After you have identified the sources causing discomfort, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy. If back pain in the lumbar region, than to treat the pathology can be determined only after examination.

Adequate methods of therapy are entirely dependent on the source of the disease:

  1. Herniated discs, degenerative disc disease. During the acute period, the patient is recommended the observance of rest. Benefits special bandage that will relieve the lower back. In addition, are appointed of drugs: NSAIDs, analgesics, blockade. Remarkable results can be achieved through physiotherapy, exercise therapy. In the absence of a positive effect to the patient may be recommended surgery.
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary areas. To combat such pathologies as urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of appendages, an integrated therapy. The patient is assigned Immunostimulants, antibiotics, antiviral medicines, vitamins, anti-inflammatories, hormones. The choice of appropriate drug depends on the course, the forms, stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  3. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Pain in the lower back can cause: appendicitis, pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, colitis. You should not attempt to pick their own therapy if acute back pain in the lumbar region. Than to treat such a condition, can only tell the doctor. When sharp and severe pain, you need to call an ambulance. If you suspect pancreatitis, to alleviate the suffering of the patient can drugs "Drotaverine" or "no-Spa".
  4. Kidney disease. Often these ailments is very clearly felt. Therefore, an effective method of helping is to call the ambulance. Kidney disease beneficial cranberry juice, cranberries.
  5. Pathology of the heart. If the pain starts in my left shoulder blade, quickly cover your chest and quickly spreads to left arm, lower back, leg, then you should immediately call an ambulance. This is a characteristic sign of myocardial infarction. Any delay is extremely dangerous.
  6. Postpartum pain. If discomfort is associated with the divergence of the bones, the woman may be appointed manual therapy. Regular massage will not bring relief. And in some cases can even harm. If serious injuries are not available, the relief will bring the physical therapy. In addition, young mothers are assigned special gymnastics.


Never resort to self-medication. The wrong therapy can be very dangerous! Because each disease requires an individual approach. In addition, the treatment of certain pathologies may cause a disturbance in another organ or system. So do not experiment with your health! Refer to competent professionals who will help to eliminate unpleasant discomfort.