Pain in left side back side

Pain in left side back side negatively affect the quality of human life, so when they appear it is necessary to timely treatment. Pain can occur for a variety of reasons, from a pinched vertebrae or problems with the digestive system, and ending with the development of serious diseases. Therefore, you first need to make an accurate diagnosis, because the improper or delayed treatment of complications can occur. Read more about causes and treatment of pain in the left side will be discussed in this article.

Possible causes

pain in left side back side

Doctors conventionally divided pain in left side into two groups. The first has a direct relationship with the pathologies of the back, and the second with diseases of internal organs and systems. The syndrome may be temporary in nature, that is to appear for a few hours and then disappear. But also, the pain may bother the patient throughout the day. She may have a constant intensity and gradually increase that can cause a lot of discomfort to the patient, hindering his way of life.

The most common factors contributing to the emergence of pain in the left back are:

  • the development of diseases of the spine such as sciatica, herniated disc or degenerative disc disease;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (for example, angina or heart attack);
  • diseases of the urinary and urinary system;
  • pregnancy;
  • impairment of respiratory functions, including the development of pneumonia;
  • problems with the functioning of the digestive system (Crohn's disease, pancreatitis, and others);
  • organic lesions of the Central nervous system;
  • the development of left-sided pyelonephritis inflammatory kidney disease, which is accompanied by pain in the left side;
  • incorrect or unbalanced diet, which causes intestinal colic. In this case, the result of frequent consumption of junk food is a discomfort in the back.

Please note! To provoke pain syndrome is a serious disease, to get rid of which is possible only with the help of medication. A thorough diagnostic examination to avoid the resolution of incorrect diagnosis and speed up the healing process.

Associated symptoms

associated symptoms

Regardless of what factor triggered the emergence of a pain syndrome, most often the problem is connected with pathological changes of the structure of the intervertebral discs in the left side. In such cases there is a pinched nerve roots of the spinal cord. Usually, this pathological process is accompanied by a sharp shot, the intensity of which may increase during movement. But because pain can be associated with various pathologies, the clinical picture may also change. For example, if you have problems with the digestive system often nausea, loss of appetite or vomiting.

Often pain in the back is accompanied by decreased sensitivity in the feet, especially in the morning, frequent urination or increased body temperature. In such cases the cause of unpleasant sensations can be any disease, so it is essential to timely and correctly to describe the resulting symptoms of a doctor.

Methods of diagnosis

With the appearance of suspicious symptoms, including pain in the left side, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. In this case you need the assistance of a neurologist or physician who in turn will conduct a diagnostic examination. In rare cases, you may need the help of medicus-osteopath to study the bone and muscle tissues for the presence of pathological changes.

During diagnostics, the patient can assign the following procedure:

  • laboratory analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemical analysis of blood;
  • x-ray examination;
  • computed tomography;
  • fluorography;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs.

Note! As an addition, the doctor can make a differential diagnosis, as pain in left side may arise as a result of myocardial infarction and preinfarction condition of the patient. This research method will allow to exclude the presence of these factors.


Based on the results of the conducted studies, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy. Despite the fact that pathologies that may provoke pain can be quite a lot, with their treatment, doctors make every effort to eliminate the source of unpleasant symptoms conservative way.

First aid

The first thing to do with the appearance of pain in the left side to seek help from a doctor. But if you visit the clinic in the near future is not possible, then you can take immediate steps to facilitate the patient's condition. We are not talking about taking pain medications that are used without the knowledge of the doctor is not recommended. First aid consists in carrying out a therapeutic massage, because it is the most effective method of dealing with various back problems.

Only a specialist can conduct a therapeutic massage properly, but still there are simple techniques for the performance of which does not require any special skills. It is sufficient only to correctly position the patient. Below are step by step instructions that allows you to ease the patient's condition at home.

After completion of the therapeutic procedure, the patient needs to rest and leisure, and to enhance the therapeutic effect it should be covered with a warm blanket or quilt. All kinds of physical activity should be completely excluded.


As mentioned earlier, the best therapeutic tool in pain is massage. But if at home he gives little effect, eliminating unpleasant symptom for a while, for best results, you need professional help. Massage treatment should begin with a warming massage of the lumbar and gradually move up the body to the cervical. All actions in terms of massage needs to be agreed with the doctor, because there are certain contraindications to the procedure.


If the side pain is of a stabbing character, then it is likely one of the symptoms of colitis. In such cases, diagnosis and treatment must deal with the gastroenterologist, who after the necessary tests, prescribe appropriate therapy. Feature of colitis is that if you ignore his symptoms for a certain period of time may require surgical intervention.

The development of necrosis and myocardial infarction, as a rule, accompanied by dull or sharp pain in the left side of the body, which is often accompanied by violation of the respiratory functions. Only urgent hospitalization of the patient will keep his life, so ignore the above symptoms cannot. If the pain is sharp in nature, then doctors recommend the use of antispasmodic drugs for relief of the condition. But the therapeutic effect in this case will not last long, so to be diagnosed as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor.

As a conclusion

No matter what kind of pain in the left side pulling, sharp, dull, sharp or aching access to a doctor should be immediate, because at stake is not only the health, but also your life. It makes no sense to rely on the fact that the pain will go away with time itself, if you try to ignore it or take analgesics. The necessary assistance of qualified experts, not the self, because for the time you can pay a very heavy price.