Back pain and lower back

Most often a sore lower back because the lumbar spine has the greatest mobility and bears the weight of the upper half of the body. Pain in the lumbar region has a separate title — lumbago, if she gives up the sciatica. Rarely, pain occurs in the thoracic spine. If the pain is acute and extends (gives) to the side or the arm, it is called a lumbago or sciatica". This type of pain is usually associated with compression of the spinal nerve.

lower back pain

Back pain and lower back pain may appear suddenly after heavy lifting, if awkward to turn. Sometimes discomfort in the back develop gradually over many years of exertion or improper posture. Rarely the cause of pain cannot be established. The pain may worsen at night, under load or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, after a long trip in the car. Often the pain goes away lying down on a flat hard surface.

In most cases a backache for several days or weeks, and then health improves and mobility is fully restored. To speed healing help pain relievers and a specific mode of physical activity: rest only in the first 1-2 days of a particularly intense pain and then gradual return to an active lifestyle. However, in some cases, the back or the small of the back ache lasted more than 6 weeks. Then talking about the development of chronic back pain and prescribe additional treatment.

Plays an important role your mood. Because of the pain you may be difficult to maintain a good mood, but studies show that positive-minded people generally recover faster than those who are in depression.

The causes of back pain

Back health depends on the smooth operation of a complex mechanism of bones, muscles, nerves and joints. Most often accurately determine the cause of the pain can be difficult. Fortunately, serious illness or back injury are rare. Most often back pain or back occurs as a result of light bumps, muscular strain, stretching of muscles and ligaments, entrapment or inflammation of nerves. Discomfort in the back can occur suddenly or develop gradually growing. Possible causes of back pain and lower back:

  • awkward movement: tilt or rotation of the housing;
  • lifting or carrying heavy objects, prolonged bending of the trunk;
  • incorrect posture when walking or sitting;
  • excessive stretching of the back muscles;
  • prolonged driving without stopping.

Sometimes back starts the disease for no apparent reason, for example, in the morning, after sleep.

Risk factors of back pain

Identified risk factors increase the likelihood of back pains or lower back:

  • Excess weight while the spine bear more load. To understand whether your weight is normal, calculate the body mass index.
  • Smoking — it can harm the tissues of the back, and smokers are generally less likely to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Pregnancy — spine women experience additional load, which increases with the volume of the stomach.
  • Long-term use of medicines that reduce bone density, for example, corticosteroids.
  • Stress — it is believed that the constant anxiety raises muscle tension back and neck, can cause pain.

Diseases that can cause back pain and lower back:

  • Osteochondrosis and its complications, such as herniation of the spine — degenerative disease, in which collapse of the intervertebral cartilage, resulting in pain. These diseases often develop with age, especially in those people who are experiencing heavy load on the back.
  • Stretching ligaments and muscles — which often happens after excessive physical exertion or awkward movement.
  • Different types of arthritis — inflammatory disease of the joints. In this case, besides the pain, marked morning stiffness in joints, impaired mobility.
  • Kidney disease, such as pyelonephritis can cause pain in the lower back.

There are also more dangerous, but very rare causes of back pain. For example, cancer, tuberculosis of the spine, aortic aneurysm (separation of the walls of major blood vessel), etc they are usually diagnosed during examination by a doctor.

Diagnosis of pain in back and rump


With back pain and lower back pain often can be treated with drugs that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Hospital treatment is usually not required. If the pain is severe, seek help from a doctor physician. If the pain does not give you to move, you can call the doctor at home.

During the examination the doctor will ask you to sit, stand, walk, lift your feet alternately, and will also check range of motion in the back. He may ask you about previous illnesses or injuries on your lifestyle and nature of work as well:

  • When the pain started?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • You were worried about back in the past?
  • Can you describe the pain?
  • From what the pain escalates or goes?

The survey and examination, the doctor will attempt to rule out the possibility of infection and fracture, although they are very rare. In the case of disputed diagnosis, you may be referred for additional study: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or x-ray of the spine. To avoid kidney disease doctor orders a urinalysis.

In most cases, back pain fails to remove in a few days. If the treatment is not helping, back pain lasts more than 6 weeks (the so-called chronic back pain), or cause of sickness is a serious disease, the therapist will refer you to a specialist. Most often the treatment of back pain and low back pain deals with the neurologist. In addition, treatment can connect with a doctor like an osteopath, reflexologist, chiropractor.

Treatment of back and lumbar

The treatment of back pain may depend on its duration and severity, as well as your personal preference and needs. Most often, the pain can be removed by using non-prescription medicines and treatment at home.

Motor mode

In previous years it was believed that when back pain need to rest. It is now accepted that people who get up early to move faster to cope with back pain and lower back pain. Complete quiet and bed rest is shown only for 1-2 days in the acute period, when the pain is very pronounced and does not move. It is recommended to lie on a hard and level surface. As soon as the condition is slightly improved, you should gradually return to mobile life, expanding the range of motion a little each day.

Gradually you will be able to move around the house or to go shopping. You have to put up with some discomfort and learn to avoid anything that causes severe pain. After a few days, you can return to work without waiting for the moment when the pain in the back or lower back will be completely (of course, if your work is not connected with excessive loads on the spine). Early activation will get you back to normal daily routine and distraction from the pain.

Muscle relaxants

Are medicines which relieve spasm of skeletal muscles, relax the muscles. They are appointed in cases where excessive muscle tension of the spine increasing the pain, for example, when aggravation of degenerative disc disease or disc herniation. Muscle relaxants have side effects, many of them cannot take over the wheel. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treatment of heat and cold

heat therapy

Some to help relieve the pain of heat e.g. hot bath or heating pad on the sore spot. Also relieve the condition may cold, for example, if applied to the lower back ice or package of frozen vegetables. Do not apply ice directly to the skin, as this can cause frostbite. Wrap it in a damp towel and apply to the affected area. You can also alternate heat therapy with cold, applying alternating ice and a heating pad.

Posture for sleeping

Change poses for sleep may relieve the tension from the back and relieve pain. If you sleep on your side, then slightly pull your legs to your chest and place a pillow between your legs. If you back to back, place a pillow under your knees to support the natural curve of the spine in the lumbar region.


This is an extremely important component of dealing with pain, because if you worry too much, it will cause muscle tension, which can exacerbate the pain. Studies show that positive-minded people usually recover faster. The pain from them goes into a long, chronic. There are various relaxation techniques. As a rule, it is recommended to learn breathing exercises and simple exercises with alternate tension and relaxation of different muscles of the body.

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle

Try to eliminate the cause of pain in the back to prevent it from returning in the future. The most common causes of back pain — being overweight, bad posture and stress. Regular exercise and active lifestyle will help your back to be strong and healthy. Most people prefer to do this walking, swimming and yoga. Most importantly — choose what you like and don't causes pain. Sometimes classes are conducted in groups under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Usually classes run exercises to strengthen muscles and improve posture, as well as aerobic exercise and stretching exercises.

Treatment of chronic back pain

If back pain lasts more than 6 weeks (the so-called chronic back pain), in addition to analgesics and muscle relaxants used are described below methods of dealing with pain. These therapies can help those who back pain prevents you from performing usual routine and alarming.

Prevention of back pain

Strong and flexible back is the best way to avoid pain. Therefore, the most effective prevention is regular physical exercise, correct posture and safety when lifting and carrying heavy loads.

If you periodically back hurts, try the following:

  • To lose weight, if obese. Too much body weight can put additional lower back stress.
  • Wearing orthopedic shoes on a low heel, that reduces the load on the spine during walking.
  • Avoid sudden movements that may cause stretching of the muscles.
  • To learn how to cope with stress, anxieties and worries that can enhance back pain.

The correct posture and sound sleep with back pain

Posture significantly affects the health of your back. In a standing position, hold the body straight, head straight, not to hunch. Distribute the weight equally on both legs, do not bend them. Sit up straight, with emphasis in the lower back. Knees and hips should be level and feet flat on the floor (if necessary, use a footstool). It is sometimes convenient to beneath the waist a small pillow or rolled up towel. If you type on the keyboard, the forearms must lie horizontally, and the elbows should be bent at a right angle.

If you spend much time behind the wheel, make sure the chair has an emphasis for the waist. If set side view mirrors, you don't have to bend your back. The pedal should be right in front of your feet. In the long trip make regular stops to stretch your back.

Sleep should serve as a place to relax the whole body, including the back. This requires a fairly hard mattress, so it does not bend under the weight of the body from shoulders to buttocks, like a hammock. If the bed is too soft, place a firm Board or the Board (ideally 2cm thick) under the mattress. The head should lie on the pillow, but the neck should not be bent at a large angle.