Pain in the chest and radiates to the back: possible causes and treatment

In medical practice often enough there are situations when back pain radiates to chest. This is because in the back, namely in the spine, nerves that transmit impulses throughout the body. Therefore, pain in the chest on the right gives back, so there is a mirror effect. Moreover pain localized across the back - from the cervical to the spine and place of localization indicates various pathologies in the body.

pain in chest and back

Dangerous symptoms

If the back pain radiates to the chest, it is reason to seek medical attention. However, there are a number of indications that the man needed urgent medical aid. And if he does not provide, he could die.

  1. Chest pain on the right gives back, the person loses consciousness.
  2. Paralyzed shoulder, neck, back.
  3. Back pain does not go away within 20 minutes.
  4. Chest pain radiates to the back, while a person shortness of breath, tachycardia, sweating, repeated loss of consciousness.
  5. The pain is accompanied by dry cough with blood.

Any of these symptoms is a sign of dangerous pathology related to the cardiovascular system. The delay in the aid leads often to the death, especially if the chest pain on the left gives back.

First aid for pain dangerous

If a person has pain in the chest and back accompanied by loss of consciousness, cold sweat, pulse in the form of filaments and uneven breathing, he needs immediate medical help. Emergency you need to call immediately. Then, you should put a man on the back and give a fresh air to open his shirt and belt, to open the window. Do not give a patient to lose consciousness, it is necessary to give it time to breathe ammonia on the cotton ball. If the attacks had happened before, you need to give the patient prescribed the drug for him.

Back pain and chest degenerative origin

When the back pain radiates to chest, first of all it is assumed that the patient has a disease of degenerative origin. It can be osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis and other spinal disorders.

Why back pain radiates to chest? It is transmitted along the nerves exiting between the vertebrae and extends to the internal organs of the chest or abdomen. And if in the thoracic spine occurred with a pinched nerve, the person feels sharp pain around the heart or lungs. Many of these symptoms begin to take medication to stabilize the heart muscle, giving himself up to the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

To make sure that the chest pain is not related to the heart, need to do a few deep breaths and forward bends, backward. If the pain increases, it means that the nerves between the vertebrae are stronger and it is not related to heart disease.

Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and other diseases of the spine are acquired. They can be transmitted through blood or food. All they earned by man, his way of life. For example, if you long to sit at the computer motionless, the blood circulation around the spine is broken and developing of different pathology. Or Vice versa if lot and often to lift weights, or live with excess body weight, the vertebrae wear out quickly, causing disease of the spine. There is also the riskiest sport where there is always a direct threat of impact or fracture of the spine - car and motorcycle racing or heavy lifting. And if the youth athlete is not experiencing back problems after fracture, to 40-50 years in the field of trauma formed the anomalous zone, which causes pain.

symptoms of pain

Diseases of the spine begin to develop in childhood, if the child sitting incorrectly at a Desk or table, slouches. Over the years it becomes a habit and develops a kyphosis, i.e., slouching, scoliosis, and sometimes both.

Therefore, when the back pain radiates to the chest, treatment is initiated only after a complete diagnosis that involves x-ray examination. The most informative method is magnetic resonance imaging.

Heart disease

When a person has heart disease, chest pain radiates to the back, especially during attacks. For example, myocardial infarction is manifested by acute pain, which is reflected in the space between the shoulder blades or in the left shoulder, arm, jaw. And when much pain in my chest returns back, the discomfort occurs exactly in the center of the chest.

Severe pain in sternum, radiating to the back may be a symptom of heart attack posterior wall of the ventricle. But in this case reflected the pain can occur in the lower back or even in the upper quadrant, resembling the pain in the stomach. This, incidentally, prevents to properly diagnose yourself, because when such symptoms a person begins to suspect the attack peptic ulcer disease.

If the pain is between the Breasts gives back to the area of the blade, it could be angina. Especially if the symptoms are in the nature of a burning sensation in the back.

To these symptoms is usually joined a sense of panic, shortness of breath, arrhythmias. For accurate diagnosis used in this case, the electrocardiogram, and, accordingly, MRI.

Diseases of the respiratory system

The largest organ in the chest are the lungs and bronchial tubes, i.e. a respiratory system. They are prone to several dangerous diseases, a characteristic feature of which is pain behind the breastbone that radiates to the back.

Fortunately, the lungs are deprived of nerve endings, otherwise the person during the illness died of shock. Unpleasant sensations arise in the pleura surrounding the lungs. It also receives signals from the nerve endings sandwiched in the thoracic spine.

To confirm the suspected pneumonia or bronchitis can, taking a deep breath. In this disease the breath, provokes attacks of pain. In addition, when breathing audible wheezing in the throat and lungs of the patient.

Lung disease cause coughing and spasm of the muscles between the ribs, causing discomfort.

Lung disease diagnostics includes x-rays, ECG, blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging.

Diseases of the digestive system

Sometimes back pain radiates to the chest due to diseases in the digestive system. The most common of them in this case is pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas accompanied by severe pain, usually are surrounding the character, the most manifest symptoms in the area of hypochondrium. Usually the pain in the chest, gives back. Pain in this disease is so intense that people sometimes can not understand where it is localized and where actually is its source. It seems, that hurts the whole chest and back.


Another well-known disease, which is accompanied by similar symptoms - peptic ulcer disease. During break lesions in the stomach or duodenum pain syndrome is so strong that the person is unable to think properly, becomes hysterical and may even die from pain shock.

Sometimes an attack ulcer vomiting blood, there is no doubt in the nature of the disease.

If the back pain radiates to the chest on the right, it may be cholecystitis – inflammation of the gallbladder. Like all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it occurs due to willful neglect diet and abuse of alcohol. The gallbladder is the result of inflamed and there is a delay of outflow of bile. This leads to chronic pain in back and chest, resulting in the accumulation of stones in the ducts of the organ. In this complication of pathology conventional treatment does not help and the gallbladder have to be removed.

Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system includes the MRI and endoscopy. Also carried out ultrasonic research of liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Laboratory blood tests help to determine the level of bilirubin in the body.


Cancer a disease that afflicts the lungs, liver, stomach, pancreas, manifested by constant pain in the back or chest. It can swell and inflamed lymph nodes in the neck and in the armpits.

Diagnosis of the disease, in addition to instrumental and laboratory studies, includes the biopsy tissues of the affected organ.


If, after falling back from a height or other physical damage to the spine back pain radiates to the chest, this indicates a serious damage to vertebrae and intervertebral discs. In this case, you cannot disturb the patient, and in any case not to give to him to sit and stand. Basis, that enhances the reason is just an attempt of the victim to stand up after the injury and go on their own. Usually, the treatment of cracks or fracture of the spine goes from 1 to 3 months, but if the patient after injury got up and walked, the treatment can drag on for 12-18 months. This injury is diagnosed by x-ray or MRI.

respiratory system

Psychosomatic causes

Pain in the chest or center back can be caused by a mental disorder. People with such phobias, the fear of cancer, fear of Contracting a heart disease – the fear of tuberculosis, to easily determine chest pain your "favorite" disease. Known cases when a person has developed a serious pathology on the background of the common intercostal neuralgia. Sick, afraid of dying from a heart attack, brought its status to a critical abusing drugs from the heart.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conducts psychotherapist. Of course, after the patient undergoes a complete diagnosis on the subject of pulmonary, cardiac and systemic diseases.

Treatment and diagnosis

Pain in the middle of the sternum, radiates to the back, back pain, reflecting in the chest are the most common symptoms of various diseases.

When they occur, you should consult a doctor and do not attempt to diagnose the disease yourself. It is often the case that people with increased suspiciousness and phobias one symptom can very dangerous diagnosis. And worst of all - accepted to treat him. You need to understand if healthy physically the person begins to take the medicine from liver disease, heart, stomach and so on, sooner or later, the body refuse to work normally. An example of such treatment - of patients with seizure drugs, which contain an enzyme that helps to digest food. Tool undoubtedly helps digestion, but the pancreas gradually stops producing this enzyme on their own. And this, in turn, can lead to necrosis, pancreatitis and death shock.

So it is better to trust the diagnosis of professionals, and hold it in specialized clinics.


Prevention of pain in the chest and back consists of a series of measures aimed at preventing development in the body abnormalities, these feelings are able to call.

To reduce the risk of development of degenerative disc disease, scoliosis and stoop should follow proper posture and load on spine. To do this, the back of the chair in the workplace should be straight and rigid. You can't sit still for more than 2 hours in a row, you have to get up and do the workout. And in sports the load on the spine should be calculated by an experienced instructor.

The best sport for good posture and scoliosis treatment is swimming and archery. If the work involves prolonged stay on their feet, need to wear a special corset that relieves stress on the spine.

Be sure to follow the diet and not to eat oily, fried or spicy foods. This will reduce the risk of plaque formation on the walls of blood vessels, and therefore, the risk of thrombosis and, as a consequence, heart disease. Generally, the human diet should include more fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables. You also need to reduce the consumption of sugar, namely, fresh pastries and soft drinks. Remember, obesity is the cause of many diseases: hypertension, diabetes, heart failure and cholecystitis.

It is necessary to give up bad habits such as Smoking and drinking alcohol. Nicotine and products of combustion are destroying the alveoli of the lungs, the capillaries and the walls of thick vessels, thereby causing chronic bronchitis and as a result, lung cancer.

Alcohol destroys the liver and pancreas, not to mention the stomach and duodenum. Gastritis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis - this is a direct consequence of alcohol and violation of food rules.


You need to regularly check blood pressure and blood sugar levels. After all, if you can identify the early stages of the development of hypertension and diabetes, you can not only keep them under control, but also to prevent the emergence of diseases caused by them. With the same purpose must be at least 2 times a year undergo a medical examination. The sooner detected the disease develops, the better will be the prognosis of the treatment. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, often spending time in the fresh air, engage in gentle activities. This will help to prevent the development of many diseases.